Ship-lap Walls & Ceiling
Interior Painting, Madison WI
Closet Painting
Commercial Painting
Residential Painting Madison,WI
Interior Painting Madison, WI
Interior Painting Madison, WI
Interior Painting Madison, WI
Victorian Home, Exterior House Painting
Just by adding a fresh coat of paint we can transform the interior of your home. American Painting Professionals has simplified the home painting experience, and make it as easy on you as possible during the process. With our expert painters and high quality standards, we can get your job done.
Whether you’re updating your exterior to clean it up or looking to get creative with color and embrace new design trends, painting the exterior of your home will ensure it instantly stands out from the neighbors. It also increases the value of your home!
At American Painting Professionals we know how to paint all types of construction materials including Drywall, metal, wood, and plaster. Of course, American Painting Professionals has lots of commercial painting experience we paint ceilings, walls, doors, windows, floors and more. Your business is in great hands with American Painting Professionals.
Painting or staining cabinets can be the most effective way to give a kitchen or bathroom a face-lift. At American Painting Professionals our crews are skilled in cabinet painting and staining. We can take care of your cabinet painting project, giving your spaces a fresh makeover.
You and your construction project deserve the very best. You want your Spec Home or New Home to look beautiful and stand the test of time. Our painting ensures that your construction project will look great no matter what type it is. American Painting Professionals has worked with so many construction companies and sub-contractors over the years and fulfilled all their painting needs.
See photos of some of our projects here.